Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Burnt scalp from hair dye! Help!?

I had previously dyed red hair until yesterday when I used a pre-lightener to strip the colour and then used a light brown dye. It's only afterwards I realised that I should have waited atleast a day between the two applications, because one side of my scalp is totally inflamed, itchy and is also weeping. I'm quite worried about it now.

It's hard for me to get to a doctor as I live far away from any towns, so I hope someone can help me here. Thanks

Burnt scalp from hair dye! Help!?

use tea tree oil - its good for itchy sensitive scalps, also its soothing, anti bacterial, anti fungal.

shampoo wise - again use tea tree oil based shampoo's etc

and avoid ne more hair dye

if it does persist or ur still worried, go to ur nearest drug store/chemist and spk to the pharmasist, or go to ur doctor/local hospital.

Burnt scalp from hair dye! Help!?

y go to doctor just go to ur nearest saloon shop n tell them abt this they will give u the treatment for it so no need to worry. but make it soon or u will be bald.

Burnt scalp from hair dye! Help!?

try this shampoo its for sunburnt scalps but i think it might help,Nizoral, it use to be a prescription

so i hope it helps =]

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