Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hair dye information?

When I colour my hair, the colouring only lasts for about a month, then it fades drastically. I used store-brand dye, then I went to a salon to get it done and it only lasted about a month and a half. I see other women whose hair colour lasts for months, still vibrant. What hair dye brands REALLY last for a good while, as in months?

Hair dye information?

Although all artificial hair color will fade with washing - unfortunately - most of what you will find on the market as well as for professional use are oxidation dyes - these are dyes that use hydrogen peroxide as an activator. The problem with these traditional dyes is that they take some of your natural pigment out of your hair as well as break down the actual fiber of the hair before they deposit color. The color will look good at first but as you wash your hair the artificial pigment will fade and you are left with a brassy, dull version of your natural color. You need to use a deposit pigment that will only add color without damaging the hair. *Even if you are coloring gray/white, YOU DON'T NEED HYDROGEN PEROXIDE TO ADD COLOR TO HAIR - This is the OLDEST MYTH in hair color. Please check out my Q%26amp;A at daubyncolor.com for more info on this. I would love to personally send you a sample if you are interested.

Be Colorful!

Hair dye information?

Garnier 100% Color is the strongest I've ever found. I have red hair, but have to dye it now because I'm older and have a lot of grey. I also swim a lot and chlorine is just havoc on hair dye, causing it to fade very fast. Garnier 100% is the only one I've found that is pretty much chlorine-proof. My hair grows out before it really fades.

Hair dye information?

you trying to change it too much at first... are you trying to go darker? it also will not hold the color as well if your hair is damaged. i was blond for a long time. now that i am brown haired again i have to dye it every 4 weeks to keep the hair dark or my ends start to lighten up. my stylist told me its due to damage.

Hair dye information?

I think nice %26amp; easy works well. you could also buy a sampoo for color treated that helps the color last long.

Hair dye information?

It depends on the color. If it's red, it's always going to fade faster. My beautician said that red is a really hard color to keep. I have nothing but problems with red, but it's the color I like so i just deal with it and color it whenever I have to.

Hair dye information?

I used to work in a hair salon. Chances are, your hairdresser is not leaving it on long enough. Depending on how porous your hair is, it may take more or less time for color to soak into each strand and your hairdresser is not going to know this unless they've been doing your hair for quite some time. If you have light hair to begin with, or if it's oily, it'll take longer. Maximum time for most colors I think is about 20 mins. Try going for 30. Also make sure you use color safe shampoos and conditioners. A good idea is to not wash your hair for a day or two, or even three after you color it. This will ensure that it'll stay in longer.

Hair dye information?

I use Loreal, it is a permanent haircolor. However, it gets dull if you don't use the conditioner that comes with it. I reapply the conditioner, (just a little bit) once a week. Women who have hair color that lasts for as long as you say it does are re-dying the hair. After all hair grows back, you have to dye it again or have roots showing.

Hair dye information?

Several things could be causing your fade. First, if you've picked red you've picked the color that fades most. The more vibrant the color, the more likely the fade.

I color my hair red. I make sure to use shampoo and conditioner that's made for color-treated hair. (Some lines even have products for specific colors.) Don't use hot water to wash your hair. Use the coolest water you're comfortable with. Avoid spending lots of time in the sun or in chlorinated pools.

Best of luck!

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